Level 1
Industrial Warehouse
Class 1
  • Psychologically neutral.
  • Easily traversable.
  • Accessible exits.
  • Non-linear space.

Level 1 is the 2nd level of the Backrooms.
Level 1 is an infinite, sprawling warehouse that features concrete floors and walls, exposed rebar, and a low-hanging fog with no discernable source. The fog often coalesces into condensation, forming puddles on the floor in inconsistent areas. The general architecture of Level 1 is significantly more extensive than that of Level 0, possessing staircases, isolated rooms, and hallways.
The general contents of any given area varies, with numerous items such as stepladders, cords, planks or boards of wood, cleaning tools, wooden crates (with or without contents), metal barrels, and other miscellaneous warehouse items possibly being located in any given room. Occasionally, spray-paint graffiti may rarely be found on any given wall, although the writing is typically undecipherable.

One of the many hallways in Level 1.

Level 1 is mostly silent, although the faint humming of machinery, the dripping of water from broken pipes, or other quiet sounds can be heard throughout the level. The fluroescent lights in this level buzz, but to a drastically lesser volume than that of the previous level. These lights are rarely dysfunctional, although one may occasionally be blown out or disabled.
Storage Area
While the warehouse's industrial rooms and hallways of Level 2 fill up most of the space, there is a particular area spanning approximately 1,200 km2 that appears to be for mass storage purposes. While appearing mostly identical to the rest of the level, the roof is significantly higher than what it normally is, with fluroescent, industrial lights hanging by cords from the ceiling. Rooms within the storage area remain segmented, but are generally larger in size. Heavy-load, metal shelves around 5 meters tall stand in rows, possibly spanning kilometers in any given direction. Said shelves are filled with many different warehouse items and assortments, some of which have been stated previously. Occasionally, a wall may feature an industrial roller door, but these are almost always locked and tightly shut. However, an unlocked or open roller door can be found on occasion, and will always lead directly to [DATA MISSING].
Entrances & Exits
You can enter Level 1 by entering through an industrial door in Level 0 that may randomly but very rarely show up.
You can exit Level 1 by simply continuing to navigate and explore the Backrooms. Rarely, hallways may lead straight to Level 2, as the wals slowly fade from the concrete of this level to the bricks of Level 2.

« Level 0 | Level 1 | Level 2 »
‡ Licensing / Citation
"Level 1" by Terbo, from the Backrooms Archive. Source: https://backrooms-archive.neocities.org/levels/level-1. Licensed under CC-BY-SA-3.0.
Original Concept
"Level 1" by etoisle, from the Backrooms Wiki. Source: https://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/level-1. Licensed under CC-BY-SA-3.0.
Filename: artistlivesinme.jpg
Name: 003
Author: SunCon Photos
License: CC BY 2.0
Source Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/suncon/14070865988/in/photostream/

Filename: artistdiesinme.jpg
Name: Dora 1 - Interiør på bakkenivå (2013)
Author: Municipal Archives of Trondheim
License: CC BY 2.0
Source Link https://www.flickr.com/photos/trondheim_byarkiv/10998312184/